Thursday, June 11, 2020

Essay --

John Hodges Ms. Roney World Literature 4 December 2013 Exciting modern lifestyle Essay Truth and joy share a relationship of not knowing reality, which just makes individuals more joyful. The individuals of the new world lost their opportunities yet consequently get numerous joys. This in this way adds to the fear of knowing reality. They don’t need to know reality since they are prepared not to and it appears they don’t need to know reality, either. To maintain a strategic distance from ever knowing reality they use soma. By taking somas, they maintain a strategic distance from truth at whatever point they are startled by it. It thusly disguises their distresses and rather fills them with counterfeit mind flights. In the story there are two sorts of facts. One sort of truth is identified with human connections and feelings. Feelings and connections give individuals extraordinary satisfaction, yet they likewise can cause a lot of torment. Because of these torments, nobody structures associations with the other gender. Alongside this they think of it as anomalous to feel connection to somebody. There are no couples or families and the possibility of modesty is firmly prohibited. The oth...

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